Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day and Baby News

I had a great Mother's Day! The boys made some really cute things at school and at church. Steven got me a gift certificate to our kitchen store here, and well, that's about as perfect a gift as I could hope for! I cannot wait to use it!!

In an update, the "ring test" for the baby turns out to be FALSE for me! We're having another boy!

And there's the proof! I sort of thought I might really want a girl this time, but after having a bit of a worry over a flagged risk factor for Down Syndrome in my routine blood work, I was just so happy and relieved that the baby is healthy with no apparent markers of Down Syndrome or any other chromosomal abnormality. I was excited to see that healthy baby squirming around, and we felt so blessed. There wasn't even a single moment of disappointment!

Look at him, he's already pondering life's mysteries! We've decided to name him Oliver Henry. We can't wait to meet him and see if he looks like any of his brothers!


Beloved's Redheaded Bride said...

That is wonderful news. So very excited for you! BOYS!!!
You must give me advice. I find them a mystery! ;)

Theresa said...

I'm so happy he's healthy! I would love a GC to a kitchen store- have fun spending that!! :)

4kids1mom said...

Another boy - how wonderful Beth! So glad everything is fine and he's healthy - I had a scare while pregnant with Nick - it was the longest time waiting for those results to come in. ~Denise