Monday, July 27, 2009

So, I was eating a snickers bar today, thinking about how I'd like to lose some weight. Hey, we all do what we can, right? And I was thinking that I really just need to start exercising. It's just that, well, I'm not sure where to fit that in. I'm not totally dissatisfied with my body, in fact, I only have one or two small "problem areas" that I'd like to be smaller. Mostly I don't want people to look at me and think I'm pregnant when I'm not. I hate it when that happens. It dumps my self-confidence in the toilet for a week!

I'm working 40 + hrs a week, raising kiddos, and trying to stay sane. After 4 babies and 4 csections, there's only so much "thin" a body has left. I've almost depleted my supply. I look at those charts with the "ideal" weight for my height and I laugh and think about what kind of skeletal person is walking around weighing THAT? Not only am I not going to be a size 2, well, I never was a size 2. And I was not fat, back in the day. But I also wasn't a size 2.

So, if you read and pay attention, what do you do to stay in shape?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

An Update for the forgotten Blog . . . .

That would be THIS blog. What can I say? Between facebook, xanga, and even occasionally myspace I forget I have a blog over here. But I do.

I'll give a brief update of what's going on with me. Well, working a lot, and enjoying summer with the boys. They're all enjoying swimming lessons, (except for Isaac, but when he's 2 or 3 we'll let him go too).

I got a new office chair. I'm not really a zebra print gal, but I do love this chair. And it's super comfy! What do you think?