Saturday, July 21, 2012

To cut the hair or not cut the hair?? It's so cute with his little fluffy "wings" but it's kind of getting hot on  him. At least that's the conclusion I come to when it's 84 inside the house and his hair is wet.  Of course, this could be because someone left the bathroom door open and he's either been playing in the sink or toilet, but I prefer to think he was sweating. 

Also, once you cut off that baby hair, they just look, OLDER. I'm not sure I'm ready for my baby to look older, you know? And, I think it may traumatize Steven. He was holding Oliver the other day and he said, "Our baby is not a little baby anymore. It makes me  kind of sad." and for the second time in our marriage I asked him if he was a girl.   ;)