Monday, July 27, 2009

So, I was eating a snickers bar today, thinking about how I'd like to lose some weight. Hey, we all do what we can, right? And I was thinking that I really just need to start exercising. It's just that, well, I'm not sure where to fit that in. I'm not totally dissatisfied with my body, in fact, I only have one or two small "problem areas" that I'd like to be smaller. Mostly I don't want people to look at me and think I'm pregnant when I'm not. I hate it when that happens. It dumps my self-confidence in the toilet for a week!

I'm working 40 + hrs a week, raising kiddos, and trying to stay sane. After 4 babies and 4 csections, there's only so much "thin" a body has left. I've almost depleted my supply. I look at those charts with the "ideal" weight for my height and I laugh and think about what kind of skeletal person is walking around weighing THAT? Not only am I not going to be a size 2, well, I never was a size 2. And I was not fat, back in the day. But I also wasn't a size 2.

So, if you read and pay attention, what do you do to stay in shape?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

An Update for the forgotten Blog . . . .

That would be THIS blog. What can I say? Between facebook, xanga, and even occasionally myspace I forget I have a blog over here. But I do.

I'll give a brief update of what's going on with me. Well, working a lot, and enjoying summer with the boys. They're all enjoying swimming lessons, (except for Isaac, but when he's 2 or 3 we'll let him go too).

I got a new office chair. I'm not really a zebra print gal, but I do love this chair. And it's super comfy! What do you think?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March Madness

It's March Madness around here! Alex and Thomas will be going to Texas with their grandparents this week, while they're on Spring Break. They'll leave on Thursday. I'll miss them!

What's going on around here lately?? I'll update in pictures. I got a hair cut two weeks ago. I also had my eyebrows waxed.
I've only had that done once before. My stepsister Hope told me once, "once you get your eyebrows done, you'll love it!" She was right. I do love it.

Isaac turned 1 year old in January, can you believe it? I can't. It's been a fast year. He's chuggin' right a long. He's got an ear infection right now, in both ears. But he's being a trooper, and since he got some medicine yesterday, he actually slept all night last night. That hasn't happened in over a week!

Thomas had a field trip with his class to see Busytown at the Arkansas Arts Center/Children's Theater. It was cute. We wore our matching field trip shirts and had a ball.

Incidentally, next month will be my 2 year anniversary with Blogger. I only started this to leave comments, and it shows. I only have made 7 posts in that time and have received 0 comments. Way to go me! lol