Wednesday, August 28, 2013

He Counts it Down, Every Day

This morning he said to me, "Two days left, right, Mom?"  I replied to him, "Two days until what?" knowing that would irk him. Of course he responded, aghast that I could have forgotten, "My birthday!"

My first baby, my little chubalub, is about to have a Birthday.
Sorry for the grainy picture of my computer screen photo. Long story.

What can I say about my Alex? He's a good kid, always has been. He was an easy baby, a chubby, easy baby.

He made the cutest pirate, pretty much EVER for Halloween one year.

It's hard to imagine how life was back when he was really little I mean, what do people with only one child DO all day? I don't know but we were busy and one child felt like plenty of children to us. I'm sure it does to everyone with one, it's all you know! You're trying to figure this whole parenting thing out, after all.

 Alex is very introspective, and quiet. Except when he's got something to say, then he's a major talker. He loves Dr. Who. He also loves Avatar, The Last Airbender, and action movies.

 This Birthday, this year, he turns 13. How did that happen?? My cute little sweet chubby baby is gonna be a teenager on Friday. I did some math, (yes, it pained me!) and on Friday Steven and I will become the parents of a teenage boy, an office we will hold, without pause, until September of 2030. In case you're wondering, that's 17 years. (Don't spill those beans, that's going on Facebook on Friday! I've gotta get the most out of the time I did math!)

So to my sweet, awesome, uber cool Alex, I say happy Birthday, teenager! (in two days!)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Go Fish

"Mama! I gotta go FISH!" he  yells. This prompts me to hop up as quickly as I can and grab his little hand. Off we run to the bathroom. His version of fishing requires no  pole. It requires a potty and a strong constitution. Somewhere along the way he got in the habit of referring to his #2 bathroom activity as "going fish". I don't know why. Perhaps he thinks it looks like fish swimming. It's hard to know.
He's in a funny little stage right now. Anywhere we go, the store, the park, a restaurant, he loves to sing his ABC's, and at the top of his lungs. Bystanders either think it's absolutely precious, or maybe the most annoying thing they've ever heard. Either way, it does no good to tell him to stop. That just breaks his little heart and he'll start crying. Which makes the people who thought it was cute think you're a terrible person, and it makes the people who didn't like the ABC's wish you could go back to that.

As we sit in the bathroom, him on the throne and me on the floor, he's giving it all he's got. He pushes on his own little belly to "help". "I gotta push the button!" he says, pressing on his belly button.  I start laughing. It's kind of hilarious. Then he says, "Mama, I need a hug!" So I get up, and give him a winner of a hug, all while he's still sitting on the pot. This cracks me up even more. I start laughing, which makes him start laughing. We're in the bathroom, him on the potty, me bending over, hugging tight and laughing.

All the while he's fishing.

If this doesn't sum up parenting, I don't know what does.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Hating the Miles in the Middle

  • My sister left this morning. She's two years older than me, and happens to be my best and oldest friend in the entire world.  Due to some unforeseen circumstances, she had to come down here last week and stay a few days with my family. She brought her two youngest children with her. The unforeseen circumstances took a little longer to deal with and they ended up bunked in our house for a whole 10 days. Despite the fact that our kind of tiny house had 7 children and 3 adults, lots of noise, leaky window ac units, a crap ton of laundry, and the occasional child-melee, it was a wonderful visit. We haven't spent 10 days together since she lived with me and Steven for a few months way back in 01.
    You see, we live just far enough apart that we only get to see each other a couple times a year. We text daily, or call. I discuss everything with her, from big news, down to what I had for breakfast yesterday and the fact that I think tomorrow I'm going to have a migraine.  There's not much about me she doesn't know and vice versa. I love her. And I hate the miles that separate us. It was so nice to be able to run over to the kitchen store with her and browse. Or go go to the pool together with all the kids. Or to just hang out, or watch t.v., together.
    We often imagine dreamily what it would be like to live closer, but life does not allow that possibility right now. We just say, "Maybe someday." and go on about our business. So, after she left this morning, and Steven looked at me with all the kindness in the world in his eyes and said, "I knew you'd be sad today, you're always sad when she goes." I had to go in the bathroom and cry. I hate crying!  But I did it anyway. And tomorrow I'll have a migraine. And Ronda already knows.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Back to School

In just over 2 short weeks, 4 of my 5 boys will be back to school. I've compiled one main shopping list from the published school supply lists for each of their grades and schools. So, how much do you think this is gonna cost?

2 boxes colored pencils
2 pencil pouches
6 boxes #2 pencils
2 packages cap erasers
1 package each red, blue, and black ink pens
22 glue sticks
1 large zipped binder with carrying strap
1- 1 & 1/2 inch clear view binder
5 packages wide ruled paper
1 package 3x5 note cards
1 package subject dividers
2 packages subject dividers with pockets
2 flash drives
2 plastic 12 inch rulers
5 boxes 24 count crayons
ear buds
1 protractor
1 four function calculator
2- 5x8 school boxes
3 pairs scissors, Fiskars, 5" sharp
1 package sticky notes 1 7/8" x 1 7/8"
3 spiral notebooks
1 pocket folder no brads
4 bottles hand sanitizer
4 containers Clorox wipes
1-8 count washable markers
1-8 count PRANG watercolors (no Crazy Art brand)
1 rest mat, 5/8"
2 EXPO dry erase markers
2 bottles liquid handsoap
4 large boxes facial tissue
1-100 count facial tissue
1 package 9 oz clear plastic cups
and last but not least
1 box Ziplock quart size storage bags