Thursday, October 3, 2013


I think I may have mentioned this everywhere except here so far . . . so let me make my official announcement, baby bun #6 is in the oven right now. His or her approximate time of baking completion is early May. ;)

This news came as quite a shock to our family! How can it be a shock to find out you're pregnant when you already have 5 children?? When you had your tubes tied after the birth of the last one, that's how!

So, needless to say, we believe ourselves the recipients of a true miracle, and we couldn't be happier about that.

I've spent a lot of time sick recently, much more so than with any of the others. Probably because I'm not as young as I used to be. Ahem, I mean, I'm still really young.

We've seen our sweet little baby's heartbeat and now we just play the waiting game. And the throw up game. The latter of which is not my favorite but I count it good news that baby is growing like he or she is supposed to. ;)

Later, peeps. (and by peeps I mean the like, one person maybe two who ever read this blog! ha)


Leslie said...

So excited for you guys! I CAN NOT imagine what my attitude would be in your situation, but I'm so glad you've chosen to take this sweet baby as the miracle that it is. Blessings on little "Leslie!" I mean, it's a great name either way, but it makes a really great "surprise, we're having a girl" name! ;)

Beloved's Redheaded Bride said...

Congrats! Extremely excited for you! Wow. What a miracle!