Wednesday, August 28, 2013

He Counts it Down, Every Day

This morning he said to me, "Two days left, right, Mom?"  I replied to him, "Two days until what?" knowing that would irk him. Of course he responded, aghast that I could have forgotten, "My birthday!"

My first baby, my little chubalub, is about to have a Birthday.
Sorry for the grainy picture of my computer screen photo. Long story.

What can I say about my Alex? He's a good kid, always has been. He was an easy baby, a chubby, easy baby.

He made the cutest pirate, pretty much EVER for Halloween one year.

It's hard to imagine how life was back when he was really little I mean, what do people with only one child DO all day? I don't know but we were busy and one child felt like plenty of children to us. I'm sure it does to everyone with one, it's all you know! You're trying to figure this whole parenting thing out, after all.

 Alex is very introspective, and quiet. Except when he's got something to say, then he's a major talker. He loves Dr. Who. He also loves Avatar, The Last Airbender, and action movies.

 This Birthday, this year, he turns 13. How did that happen?? My cute little sweet chubby baby is gonna be a teenager on Friday. I did some math, (yes, it pained me!) and on Friday Steven and I will become the parents of a teenage boy, an office we will hold, without pause, until September of 2030. In case you're wondering, that's 17 years. (Don't spill those beans, that's going on Facebook on Friday! I've gotta get the most out of the time I did math!)

So to my sweet, awesome, uber cool Alex, I say happy Birthday, teenager! (in two days!)


Cindy said...

he looks so much older than sarah. her birthday is in October and I will then be a mom to a teenage daughter---a brand new thing for me. yay and gulp both. :)

i'm so glad that it's cool to do arranged marriages again. i'm totally picking alex for sarah. she needs some dr. who education and the swishing he does is something that I want at our family get-togethers. plus his mom.

I love how you nonchalantly wonder what the countdown is for... haha. and the math you did? you are so cool. I just picked up our calculator and figured it out for myself.

happy birthday early to alex...
and his very young mother with this very adult milestone.

Beth said...

Cindy, I'm glad about the arranged marriage thing too. Alex needs someone quirky to balance him out. He calls his swishing, "making up stories" and he told me that he hopes to continue making up stories when he's 13. So yeah, you just may get to see some of that.

I thought you were going to tell me when you got out your calculator that I was wrong and then I was going to have to tell you that I don't accept correction well. Thankfully, we didn't have to go there.

good_to_be_home said...

What a sweet post. I'm always so proud to see them grow up yet a little sad at the same time. LOL

RYC. Yes, the boys are minecraft addicts. Even Seth likes to play it on the phone. I watched David play yesterday and asked him what made it so much fun and he smiled (never looking away from the screen) and said he didn't know, it just was. :)