Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I've got a blog?!

Sometimes I forget I have this blog because I blog mostly over at Xanga. I like to kick it old school that way. ha.

School has started, work has continued on, the kids are getting older and man is time flying!

Last night I spent 20 minutes doing a homework assignment with Alex, that he wasn't sure if he had to turn in or not. I always assume he has to turn it in, otherwise, what's the point? Anyway, on the way home from school today I asked him if he had to turn it in and get a grade and he said, "I don't know how to tell you this, but we graded it in class and then I put it in the recycling bin." I asked what grade he got and he said, "Well, it was probably an A". I don't really know what that means. ha.


4kids1mom said...

Hey! You need to go back to my blog and click to follow me! please :) I won't be posting any longer on Xanga. ~D

Beloved's Redheaded Bride said...

HA! I keep trying to make time to go to xanga! I am such a slacker. I hope all is well, Beth!